With over 600,000 square feet of space the Albuquerque Convention Center (ACC) has the potential to leave a huge footprint on our environment. Knowing that is the case, the ACC has taken proactive approach in fighting waste in its public space with the creation of “Operation Mean Green”.
Operation Mean Green is dedicated to the three-R’s: REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE. Since its inception in October of 2007, Operation Mean Green and the ACC have reduced, reused or recycled the following*:
- Recycled over 900 tons of materials (paper, plastic, aluminum and cardboard)
- Reduced 30% of its total waste that was being diverted to local landfills
- Donated 17 tons of food items to local charities and food banks
- Composted over 25 tons of food, paper and waxed cardboard products
*Statistics are based on numbers as of June 2012.
The ACC, professionally managed by ASM Global, understands its responsibility to reduce its footprint on our local environment. We have made a commitment to this effort and will continue to develop new concepts and practices to further enhance our efforts.

Operation Mean Green
Minimizing our footprint on the environment while meeting the needs of the present without compromising our future.
The Three R’s
- Coreless paper products in restrooms to minimize waste
- Infra-red water faucets and aerators in restrooms and dressing rooms
- Low-flow toilets
- Low-water plants and Xeriscape landscaping
- Food & beverage operation serves condiments in bulk to minimize packaging waste
- Utilizing china, glass and silverware for catered functions
- An energy-smart HVAC system which provided effective and efficient heating and cooling
- Use of compact fluorescent light bulbs in hallways and lobby areas
- Not operating lights, air, heat and escalators in non-occupied areas
- Solar reflective roof coating to reduce the heat load during the summer months
- Use of “green” housekeeping products
- Participation in the City’s “Act Now” program, encouraging staff to use alternative modes of transportation to improve air quality and decrease traffic congestion in the Albuquerque area.
- Participation in the City of Albuquerque’s Water Watch Program by serving water on tables by request only
- A commitment to use food products from local farmers and producers
- State-of-the art dishwashing equipment which reuses its own water supply instead of constantly refilling
- Re-use single-sided white bond paper to print non-essential documents
- Food and beverage disposable containers made of biodegradable materials such as corn starch
- A commitment to develop a composting program in the near future
- Providing complimentary water stations throughout the Center to encourage reusing water bottles
- Recycling containers throughout the Center to recycle aluminum and plastic
- Mandatory recycling of wood pallets, cardboard and paper for all general service contractors
- Kitchen grease recycling
- Recycling 90% of white paper use in the Administration Office

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